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作者: 坚强2002  来源: 博客园  发布时间: 2008-09-25 16:06  阅读: 4728 次  推荐: 0   原文链接   [收藏]  
[1] 视角的力量--再说OO设计原则
[2] 视角的力量--再说OO设计原则
  • 三层视角--回头再说OO设计原则




          总结一下,Martin Fowler的三个视角来看对象:












  • OO设计原则总结》一文中我提出了一个问题:如何更好的使用这些原则?怎样在实践中遵守这些原则,使用三种视角思考问题就是答案之一;
  • 做设计时,注意力首先要放在高层关系上;
  •  在面对对象设计开发过程中以概念 规约 实现三个视角类思考问题能提高我们的设计能力,避免过早陷入细节泥沼。


    附: Martin Fowler著作 UML Distilled》提到三种视角(perspective)的段落:

    Following the lead of Steve Cook and John Daniels (1994), I say that there are three perspectives you can use in drawing class diagrams- or indeed any model, but this breakdown is most noticeable in connection with class diagrams.

    • Conceptual. 
      If you take the conceptual perspective, you draw a diagram that represents the concepts in the domain under study. These concepts will naturally relate to the classes that implement them, but there is often no direct mapping. Indeed, a conceptual model should be drawn with little or no regard for the software that might implement it, so it can be considered language-independent. (Cook and Daniels call this the essential perspective.)
    • Specification. 
      Now we are looking at software, but we are looking at the interfaces of the software, not the implementation. Object-oriented development puts a great emphasis on the difference between interface and implementation, but this is often overlooked in practice because the notion of class in an OO language combines both interface and implementation. This is a shame, because the key to effective OO programming is to program to a class's interface rather than to its implementation. There is a good discussion of this in the first chapter of Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides (1995). You often hear the word "type" used to talk about an interface of a class; a type can have many classes that implement it, and a class can implement many types.
    • Implementation. 
      In this view, we really do have classes and we are laying the implementation bare. This is probably the perspective used most often, but in many ways the specification perspective is often a better one to take.

    Understanding perspective is crucial to both drawing and reading class diagrams. Unfortunately, the lines between the perspectives are not sharp, and most modelers do not take care to get their perspective sorted out when they are drawing. Although I've found that this often does not matter too much between the conceptual perspective and the specification perspective, it is very important to separate the specification perspective and the implementation perspective.

    As I talk about class diagrams further, I will stress how each element of the technique depends heavily on the perspective.

    Perspective is not part of the formal UML, but I have found it extremely valuable when modeling and when reviewing models. The UML can be used with all three perspectives. By tagging classes with a stereotype (see page 79), you can provide an indication of the perspective. You mark classes with <> to show the implementation perspective, and with <> for the specification and conceptual perspectives.


    UML Distilled Second Edition A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language

    Martin Fowler   Kendall Scott

    Publisher: Addison Wesley

                    Second Edition August 18, 1999

                    ISBN: 0-201-65783-X, 224 pages


  • [第1页][第2页]



