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jQuery Ajax 全解析

作者: Q.Lee.lulu  来源: 博客园  发布时间: 2009-04-16 10:07  阅读: 7940 次  推荐: 1   原文链接   [收藏]  
[1] jQuery Ajax 全解析
[2] jQuery Ajax 全解析
[3] jQuery Ajax 全解析
[4] jQuery Ajax 全解析
[5] jQuery Ajax 全解析
[6] jQuery Ajax 全解析


4. jQuery.getScript( url, [callback] ) : 通过 GET 方式请求载入并执行一个 JavaScript 文件。


url (String) : 待载入 JS 文件地址。

callback (Function) : (可选) 成功载入后回调函数。

jQuery 1.2 版本之前,getScript 只能调用同域 JS 文件。 1.2中,您可以跨域调用 JavaScript 文件。注意:Safari 2 或更早的版本不能在全局作用域中同步执行脚本。如果通过 getScript 加入脚本,请加入延时函数。


加载并执行 test.js。

jQuery 代码:


加载并执行 AjaxEvent.js ,成功后显示信息。

jQuery 代码:

$.getScript("AjaxEvent.js", function(){
		alert("AjaxEvent.js 加载完成并执行完成.你再点击上面的Get或Post按钮看看有什么不同?");

加载完后请重新点击一下上面的 Load 请求看看有什么不同。

jQuery Ajax 事件

Ajax请求会产生若干不同的事件,我们可以订阅这些事件并在其中处理我们的逻辑。在jQuery这里有两种Ajax事件:局部事件 和 全局事件。


   beforeSend: function(){
     // Handle the beforeSend event
   complete: function(){
     // Handle the complete event
   // ...

全局事件是每次的Ajax请求都会触发的,它会向DOM中的所有元素广播,在上面 getScript() 示例中加载的脚本就是全局Ajax事件。全局事件可以如下定义:

 $("#loading").bind("ajaxSend", function(){
 }).bind("ajaxComplete", function(){



我们可以在特定的请求将全局事件禁用,只要设置下 global 选项就可以了:

   url: "test.html",
   global: false,// 禁用全局Ajax事件.
   // ...


  • ajaxStart (Global Event)
    This event is broadcast if an Ajax request is started and no other Ajax requests are currently running.
    • beforeSend (Local Event)
      This event, which is triggered before an Ajax request is started, allows you to modify the XMLHttpRequest object (setting additional headers, if need be.)
    • ajaxSend (Global Event)
      This global event is also triggered before the request is run.
    • success (Local Event)
      This event is only called if the request was successful (no errors from the server, no errors with the data).
    • ajaxSuccess (Global Event)
      This event is also only called if the request was successful.
    • error (Local Event)
      This event is only called if an error occurred with the request (you can never have both an error and a success callback with a request).
    • ajaxError (Global Event)
      This global event behaves the same as the local error event.
    • complete (Local Event)
      This event is called regardless of if the request was successful, or not. You will always receive a complete callback, even for synchronous requests.
    • ajaxComplete (Global Event)
      This event behaves the same as the complete event and will be triggered every time an Ajax request finishes.
  • ajaxStop (Global Event)
    This global event is triggered if there are no more Ajax requests being processed.

    好了,下面开始说jQuery里面功能最强的Ajax请求方法 $.ajax();  


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