Linq To Sql进阶系列(七)动态查询续及CLR与SQL在某些细节上的差别
[2] Linq To Sql进阶系列(七)动态查询续及CLR与SQL在某些细节上的差别
[3] Linq To Sql进阶系列(七)动态查询续及CLR与SQL在某些细节上的差别
[4] Linq To Sql进阶系列(七)动态查询续及CLR与SQL在某些细节上的差别
Linq To Sql进阶系列(四)User Define Function篇
Linq To Sql进阶系列(五)Store Procedure篇
Linq To Sql进阶系列(六)用object的动态查询与保存log篇
Linq To Sql进阶系列(七)动态查询续及CLR与SQL在某些细节上的差别
在上面一篇文章Linq To Sql进阶系列(六)中,我们提到了使用object的动态查询。本文在上文的基础上,再做更加深入的引申。同时修正上文中一些不妥的地方。
1, object的动态查询续
public static IQueryable<TEntity> Find<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> source, TEntity obj, bool isAnd) where TEntity : class
在上文中,我们还碰到了System.Nullable<int>此类类型不支持的问题。其实这个地方主要原因在于我们构造right端的Expression Tree时,没有给它参数。那么这个问题通过Expression right = Expression.Constant(p.GetValue(obj, null), p.PropertyType); 可以得到修复。那整个函数修改后,如下:
bool isAnd) where TEntity : class
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Source can't be null!!");
PropertyInfo[] properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public |
Expression condition = null;
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "c");
foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties)
if (p != null)
Type t = p.PropertyType;
if (t.IsValueType || t == typeof(string))
if (p.GetValue(obj, null) != null)
//SQL Server does not support comparison of TEXT, NTEXT, XML and IMAGE ,etc
///Only support BigInt,Bit,Char,Decimal,Money,NChar,Real,
Attribute attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(ColumnAttribute));
if (attr != null)
string dbType = (attr as ColumnAttribute).DbType;
if (dbType.Contains("Text") || dbType.Contains("NText")
|| dbType.Contains("Xml") || dbType.Contains("Image")
|| dbType.Contains("Binary") || dbType.Contains("DateTime")
|| dbType.Contains("sql_variant") || dbType.Contains("rowversion")
|| dbType.Contains("UniqueIdentifier") || dbType.Contains
Expression right = Expression.Constant(p.GetValue(obj, null), p.PropertyType);
Expression left = Expression.Property(param, p.Name);
//生成筛选表达式。即c.CustomerID == "Tom"
Expression filter = Expression.Equal(left, right);
if (condition == null)
condition = filter;
if (isAnd)
condition = Expression.And(condition, filter);
condition = Expression.Or(condition, filter);
if (condition != null)
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> pred = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(condition, param);
return source.Where(pred);
return source;